Patient Education Center
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What is Gastroenterology?
» Gastroenterology is a specialized medical field with focus on the digestive system.
» Gastroenterology focuses on the function and various disorders of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, gallbladder, biliary system, pancreas, liver, colon and rectum.
What is a Gastroenterologist?
» A Gastroenterologist is a physician with dedicated training and unique experience in the management of diseases of the digestive tract and liver.
» After completing medical school a Gastroenterologist completes 3 years of training in Internal Medicine and then performs a 3 year fellowship focused on gastroenterology and hepatology (liver disease).
» A Gastroenterologist performs endoscopic procedures, including upper endoscopy (EGD), colonoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS).
» A Gastroenterologist works in close relation to a patient’s primary care physician to diagnose and carry out a treatment plan. If another physician referred you to our office, a summary of our findings and recommendation will be sent at the completion of your evaluation.
» Our physicians are on staff at Evanston and Glenbrook Hospitals
» We have offices conveniently located in Kenilworth, Wilmette and Glenview.

External Links
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
Mission: To advance the science and practice of hepatology, thereby promoting liver health and optimal care of patients with liver and biliary tract diseases.
American Celiac Disease Alliance (ACDA)
Mission: To represent and advocate on behalf of the entire celiac community—patients, physicians, researchers, and food manufacturers and other service providers.
American College of Gastroenterology (ACG)
Mission: To serve clinical and scientific information needs of member physicians and surgeons who specialize in digestive and related disorders. Emphasis is on clinical practice, teaching, and research.
American Dietetic Association (ADA)
Mission: To promote optimal nutrition and well-being for all people by advocating for its members.
American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)
Mission: To serve as an advocate for the AGA’s members and their patients, to support members’ practice and scientific needs, and to promote the discovery, dissemination, and application of new knowledge leading to the prevention, treatment, and cure of digestive diseases.
American Liver Foundation (ALF)
Mission: To promote liver health and liver disease prevention. The ALF provides research, education, and advocacy for those affected by liver-related diseases, including hepatitis.
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE)
Mission: To provide information, training, and practice guidelines about gastrointestinal endoscopic techniques.
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS)
Mission: To ensure high-quality patient care through research and education for the prevention and management of disorders and diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus.
Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF)
Mission: To develop awareness and improve the quality of medical and self-care for celiac disease/dermatitis herpetiformis and to provide telephone information and referral services, free information, medical advisory board, and special educational seminars and general meetings.
Celiac Sprue Association/USA, Inc. (CSA)
Mission: To provide information and educational materials for people with celiac sprue and dermatitis herpetiformis and for parents of children with celiac disease. Made up of six regions with chapters and resource units across the United States.
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA)
Mission: To cure and prevent Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis through research and to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by these digestive diseases through education and support.
Hepatitis B Coalition
Mission: To promote hepatitis B vaccination for all children ages 0 to 18 years, HBSAg screening for all pregnant women, testing and vaccination for high-risk groups, and education and treatment for people who are chronically infected with hepatitis B. The Immunization Action Coalition, a branch of the Hepatitis B Coalition, seeks to boost immunization rates and prevent disease by promoting physician, community, and family awareness of and responsibility for appropriate immunization of all children and adults against all vaccine-preventable diseases.
Hepatitis B Foundation
Mission: To raise public awareness, provide information and support, fund cure-focused research on hepatitis B, and promote prevention. The Hepatitis B Foundation is a voluntary nonprofit organization.
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD)
Mission: To inform, assist, and support people affected by gastrointestinal disorders. The IFFGD is a nonprofit education and research organization.
National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse
Mission: Provides information about digestive diseases to people with digestive disorders and to their families, health care professionals, and the public. The NDDIC answers inquiries, develops and distributes publications, and works closely with professional and patient organizations and Government agencies to coordinate resources about digestive diseases.
National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA)
Mission: To raise awareness of celiac disease and funding to advance research, education, and screening and to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by this autoimmune disease through grant making and direct programming.
United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS)
Mission: To advance organ availability and transplantation by uniting and supporting its communities for the benefit of patients through education, technology, and policy development.

Patient Rights
Each patient has the right to care consistent with sound medical practices, to be informed of the name of the physician responsible for coordinating his or her care, to receive information concerning his or her condition and proposed treatment, to refuse any treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to privacy and confidentiality of records except as otherwise provided by law.
The right of each patient, regardless of source of payment, to examine and receive a reasonable explanation of his total bill for services rendered by his physician or health care provider. The right of each patient to privacy and confidentiality in health care. This right may be waived in writing by the patient or the patient’s guardian.
Any patient who is the subject of a research program or an experimental procedure, shall have, at a minimum, the right to receive an explanation of the nature and possible consequences of such research or experiment before the research or experiment is conducted, and to consent to or reject it.
Each patient has the right to review GCNS’ Privacy Policy, as determined by the Health Insurance and Portability Accounting Act (HIPAA). A copy of the notice can be found here: (link to HIPAA document)
Patient Responsibilities
After Hours Services
At Gastroenterology Consultants of the North Shore, we are committed to providing you the highest quality health care. We are available during regular office hours to see outpatient consultations, at the GI Labs for routine procedures, in the hospital for inpatient care, and for emergencies 24 hours a day.
Our practice rotates coverage on weekends and when doctors are away for medical conferences or vacation. Although you may not reach your specific physician after hours, you will receive the highest level of attention possible. You will reach the doctor on call by dialing the usual office number. The calls are forwarded to the answering service.
We ask that you do NOT call after hours or on weekends for routine refills, routine questions, or to change appointments. Although we are available, we ask that you limit calls to serious issues or emergencies. Please be respectful of your doctor’s time. Fees may apply for after hour phone calls.
Providing Accurate Information
A patient has the responsibility to provide, to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalization, medications, and other matters relating to their health. They have the responsibility to report unexpected changes in their conditions to the responsible practitioner. A patient is responsible for making it known whether they clearly comprehend a contemplated course of action and what is expected of them.
Following Instructions
A patient is responsible for following the treatment plan recommended by the practitioner primarily responsible for their care under the most realistic expectations. This may include following the instructions of nurses and allied health personnel as they carry out the coordinated plan of care as outlined by Gastroenterology Consultants of the North Shore and your primary physician. The patient is responsible for keeping appointments and, when they are unable to do so for any reason, for notifying the responsible practitioner’s office in a timely manner. Fees may apply for cancellations.
Preparing for Your Visit
Please bring a list of all of your medications with you. If you are having a procedure, please dress comfortably and remember to bring someone to drive you home. This person must be available by the time you are discharged. Do not arrive to the GI Lab expecting to make arrangements at the last minute. If there is not a concrete plan for your return home, your procedure will be cancelled.
Refusal of Treatment
The patient is responsible for their actions if they refuse treatment or do not follow the practitioner’s instructions.
Financial Responsibilities
The patient is responsible for assuring that the financial obligations of their health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible. All professional services rendered are charged to the patient. Necessary forms will be completed to help expedite insurance payments. However, the patient is ultimately responsible for all fees, regardless of insurance coverage. For patients without insurance, it is necessary to make arrangements in advance with our account representative.
The patient authorizes and requests the insurance company to pay directly to GCNS insurance benefits otherwise payable to them.
Communicating With Your Physician and Insurance Companies
The patient authorizes the release of any information including the diagnosis and the records of any treatment or examination rendered to them during the period of such care to third party payors and/or other health care practitioners.